Week 2 of my Master key journey

Week 2 was very interesting. At the beginning of the week I could feel the same old tapes trying to creep back into my mind.  You know,  the ones that say it’s ok to skip a day of reading your DMP, the greatest salesman or the sitting.  You’re tired tonight no need to do your reading or read you r DMP before you go to bed.  ( Sound familiar).  Here’s the good news because of my commitment to make a change and the the assignments I did last week, I was able to tell those thoughts to go to hell where they belong and have completed all of the assignments for the week.  I had a really busy week and at times I was tired but I did not let that stop me from doing all of my daily tasks and that feels amazing.

The exercise with the non dominant hand and the PPN’s was enlightening. It took so much concentration to write with my opposite hand and I ended up really changing my first draft of my DMP to fit the 2 PPN’s that I circled during the exercise. It was actually easier to write my DMP after doing the exercise.  Thank you MKMMA team for a great class last week.

I know things are changing because I completed my chore assignment on Monday and did that ever feel good.  I had been procrastinating on that for weeks. I am actually looking forward to accomplishing next weeks chore because I know how good it will feel when it is completed. I have reduced my TV time to almost nothing and I don’t even miss it.

I am so glad I took the Go90Grow class last year because I feel It set me up to succeed in this class.  I feel my posture in all areas of my life improving and that feels awesome.  Making calls for my network marketing business seemed easier this week.  I also noticed a big posture shift in my coaching and consulting business. I realized I am not here to be my clients friend right now I am here to coach them.  I received a new consulting job and I never hesitated when I told him my fee. That is big for me since I am not really motivated by money. I am confident that I will accomplish my goals with the continued help of this class.

Week 1

WOW.  week 1 of the Master Keys class was a big eye opener.  For me, it made me really think about the word commitment. Leading up to class on Sunday I kept asking myself ,how committed am I going to be?  In my heart, I wanted to be all in but you know, the enemy always tries to fill your mind with the same old junk.  On Sunday night I started thinking about my life and what I truly wanted to accomplish. How many people do I want to positively affect?  After pondering that I made the decision that I am going to be all in for the next 6 months.  I pulled out a notebook and titled it Hustle to success my 6 month transformation.  Let the journey begin.

I sat down and wrote my DMP made some changes on Monday and e-mailed it on Tuesday.  Scroll 1 really hit home.  Our life is a series of habits and to be successful we really need to be a slave to the good ones.  I found out really fast this week that I had no time for TV and that’s a good thing. I can only watch tv if I have everything completed for this class and my other to do list items.

I enjoy starting my day with scroll 1, then reading my DMP and the Blue print builder. It really does start your day on a positive note. Reading  scroll 1 out loud was really cool it just gave it a different twist and I picked up different things.  words can’t describe how reading scroll 1 and  my  DMP before going to bed really does set your subconscious up to know what it should be focusing on.   I slept really well and woke up energized and ready to start my day.

The 15 minute sit proved to be interesting.  I did it last year when I took the Go90grow course but I wasn’t as committed. This week I was all in and have made it through every day.  The first day when I was sitting still everything itched but mind over matter I made it through without moving.

As the week went on I  improved on being diligent in scheduling my day and the tasks that needed to be accomplished.  It’s a lot less stressful when it’s planned and scheduled.

I really am feeling a shift and I am excited for this journey.  My world with out is definitely going to be amazed at the new and improved world within and lots of transformation is on it’s way.

Growing through the MMKMA